Monday, December 15, 2014

Radical Ardent Choreography

This is a very gender questioning piece done by the Erick Hawkins Dance Company. Very different from the original choreography it definitely questions Erick Hawkins' way of choreographing. He was very focused on the male body being used in only a masculine way that did not hurt the body. We see in this excerpt from Radical Ardent that both female and male are in similar leotards. They both have very similar body types and from far it would be hard to tell which was male and which was female. Although the male does the majority of the lifts in this piece there are parts where the women lifts the male. I think this piece is very different from what Erick Hawkins was all about in his choreography. This following link is a review that was done by the New York Times.

1 comment:

  1. It was so fascinating that female role also lifted the man, which really acquired a lot of strength and exercise for women. The piece presented the beauty of physical strength and cooperation. Men and women were combined in one.
